XTERRA Mal­ta, Croa­t­ia and Greece delayed due to coro­na virus
16. March 2020
XTERRA Ger­many 2020 can­celed
20. April 2020
XTERRA Mal­ta, Croa­t­ia and Greece delayed due to coro­na virus
16. March 2020
XTERRA Ger­many 2020 can­celed
20. April 2020

Exten­sion Ear­ly Bird

Dear sport friends and fans of XTERRA Ger­many,

What is hap­pen­ing in the present time is an unprece­dent­ed sit­u­a­tion, a sit­u­a­tion that presents us with great chal­lenges.  We must part­ly rede­fine life’s pur­pose and pri­or­i­ties. The beloved sport, train­ing goals, par­tic­i­pa­tion in com­pe­ti­tions or sim­ply spend­ing free time with friends and club mates have become a minor mat­ter vir­tu­al­ly overnight. Thoughts and wor­ries about health, fam­i­ly but also work are sud­den­ly the cri­te­ria of cur­rent actions. Sports events, train­ing camps, com­pe­ti­tions are being can­celled in rows. And nobody real­ly knows where the jour­ney will take us in the next few months. Not even we, of course.

At the moment we can’t esti­mate if there will be a 20th O-SEE Chal­lenge with XTERRA EM or if we also have to announce a can­cel­la­tion. That will be decid­ed in the next weeks. The only thing we can do at the moment is to wait and see and con­stant­ly reassess the sit­u­a­tion. At the end of May at the lat­est we will make a final deci­sion and inform you about it. As a small sign of hope we will extend the Early­Bird dis­count until 31.5.2020, because many peo­ple inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing are cur­rent­ly uncer­tain and are wait­ing, just like we are.

Until then, keep your fin­gers crossed and be a sports­man in this sit­u­a­tion – and remem­ber your virtues: Be mod­est, dis­ci­plined, act pru­dent­ly and help­ful!
And above all: stay healthy!