Siegerinnen 2019
The elite will come back to the O-See for the XTERRA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship
11. August 2021
Last news
18. August 2021
Siegerinnen 2019
The elite will come back to the O-See for the XTERRA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship
11. August 2021
Last news
18. August 2021

Press con­fer­ence for the O-SEE Chal­lenge and XTERRA Ger­many will be broad­cast live again

On Thurs­day, August 19, 2021, the press con­fer­ence for this year’s O-SEE Chal­lenge and XTERRA Ger­many with the sta­tus of a XTERRA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship will take place at 1 p.m. in the gar­den of the Hotel Dres­d­ner Hof. An impres­sive scenic back­drop, great com­pe­ti­tion cours­es and the inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion flair thanks to the affil­i­a­tion with the XTERRA series, cou­pled with a folk fes­ti­val atmos­phere, are the main rea­sons for the attrac­tive­ness of the event for ath­letes at home and abroad. And so every year cross­triatheletes from all over Europe and over­seas are attract­ed to the O-SEE. This year, the focus is on the renewed stag­ing of the XTERRA Euro­pean Cross Triathlon Cham­pi­onships and the XTERRA Short Track Ger­many pre­miere. The orga­niz­er will exclu­sive­ly inform about the course of the major sports event, which is sig­nif­i­cant for East Sax­ony. Fur­ther­more, there will be the oppor­tu­ni­ty to address ques­tions to the orga­niz­ers as well as the ath­letes present as guests. All press rep­re­sen­ta­tives can still reg­is­ter for this until August 18, 2021 by email to The com­plete press con­fer­ence will again be broad­cast live on Face­book.

Besides the elite starters Arthur Ser­rières, Rubén Ruzafa, Maxime Chané, Jens Emil Sloth Nielsen, Jens Roth, San­dra Mairhofer, Solenne Bil­louin, Cari­na Wasle and Eleono­ra Per­onci­ni are expect­ed as guests (sub­ject to change):

Klaus Schwa­ger Chief orga­niz­er of the O-SEE Chal­lenge
Bernd Lange Dis­trict Admin­is­tra­tor of the Gör­litz Dis­trict
Andreas Förster May­or com­mu­ni­ty Olbers­dorf
Thomas Zenker May­or of the city of Zit­tau
Nico­las Lebrun (FRA) XTERRA Euro­pean Tour Man­ag­er