Hele­na Karasko­va and Bradley Weiss win XTERRA Poland
13. August 2018
XTERRA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship Sat­ur­day in Zit­tau
17. August 2018
Hele­na Karasko­va and Bradley Weiss win XTERRA Poland
13. August 2018
XTERRA Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship Sat­ur­day in Zit­tau
17. August 2018

Last impor­tant infor­ma­tion for the main com­pe­ti­tions
on Sat­ur­day, August 18th

  1. First, the bad news:
    All com­pe­ti­tions for Sat­ur­day (XTERRA, O-SEE Clas­sic, O-SEE Team, O-SEE Reduced) are ful­ly booked. Places can only be real­lo­cat­ed on site by can­cel­la­tion. The odds are slim. We there­fore advise against a long jour­ney if there is no safe start­ing place con­fir­ma­tion.
  2. Now the good news:
    Start­ing places for the Sun­day com­pe­ti­tions of the O-SEE X’Kids and O-SEE Light are still avail­able, a lim­it­ed num­ber of entries are still pos­si­ble from Fri­day to Sun­day. How­ev­er, no guar­an­tee is giv­en.
    Oth­er­wise every­thing is going accord­ing to plan 🙂
    The valid sched­ules and infor­ma­tion about the sup­port­ing pro­gram Friday/Saturday/Sunday can be found here
    The map of the com­pe­ti­tion area and the fes­ti­val ground area with all impor­tant infor­ma­tion (park­ing, info point, reg­is­tra­tion tent, check-in, gas­tron­o­my etc.) can be found here.
  3. weath­er fore­cast from 17-19. August
    Mid­sum­mer weath­er with tem­per­a­tures up to 28 °C is pre­dict­ed. Chance of pre­cip­i­ta­tion is low.
  4. access and park­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties
    Access only via the Äußere Weber­straße to the Olbers­dor­fer See leisure oasis.
    A suf­fi­cient num­ber of park­ing spaces are avail­able there. These are sub­ject to a charge. (dai­ly fee). Access via the Süd­straße Olbers­dorf is not pos­si­ble, it is closed.
  5. com­pe­ti­tion instruc­tions
    2 Dates: Fri­day: 5 p.m. and Sat­ur­day 10 a.m. The brief­ing for elite ath­letes and age­groupers will take place togeth­er. For elite starters there are addi­tion­al con­tacts for spe­cial ques­tions.
  6. water tem­per­a­ture and qual­i­ty
    The qual­i­ty of the water is with­out com­plaint. Anoth­er water sam­ple was test­ed in the lab­o­ra­to­ry.
    The water tem­per­a­ture is always high­er than 22°C. It can be assumed that a neo­prene ban will be imposed.
    Due to the pro­longed drought, the dis­trict admin­is­tra­tion has imposed a gen­er­al ban on the abstrac­tion of water from lakes and rivers. There­fore there will be no bike wash in 2018! Wash­ing bikes in the O-SEE is strict­ly for­bid­den. Fail­ure to do so will result in sub­se­quent dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion.
  7. check-in
    It is request­ed that the times for check-in to the tran­si­tion zone shown in the Race Sched­ule are strict­ly adhered to. From 11.30 a.m. access to the tran­si­tion zone is no longer pos­si­ble.
  8. swim­ming
    Bathing caps are hand­ed out at the swim­ming start.
  9. MTB routes
    There is an increased risk of for­est fires. We ask for con­sid­er­a­tion.
    The MTB tracks are com­plete­ly dried out, the risk of slip­ping and rolling on loose, sandy ground is high. Old ruts are hard and some­times dan­ger­ous to dri­ve.
    Slight changes to 2017 on all routes.
    Please take enough liq­uid with you.
    Please do not throw away emp­ty gel packs etc. on the way. We’re watch­ing …
  10. run­ning tracks
    Atten­tion: This year there are com­plete­ly new run­ning tracks (XTERRA, Clas­sic and Team 2 laps of 5 km each)
    Cater­ing and refresh­ments are pro­vid­ed every 2-2.5 km.
  11. fin­ish and award cer­e­mo­ny
    Suf­fi­cient food will be pro­vid­ed in the fin­ish area.
    Mas­sage facil­i­ties and med­ical care are avail­able at the fin­ish line.
    Award cer­e­monies accord­ing to Race Sched­ule from 4 pm for the O-SEE cat­e­gories, from 6 pm for the XTERRA cat­e­go­ry.
  12. After Race O-SEE Open Air
    “Warm­ly” rec­om­mend­ed. Is always a high­light with the won­der­ful flair at the lake under the huge sun sail, with the weath­er any­way. JENIX and sev­er­al DJ´s pro­vide par­ty feel­ing. Admis­sion free.
  13. Open­ing O-SEE Challenge/XTERRA Ger­many
    The open­ing will take place on Fri­day 8 pm after the Pas­ta Par­ty in the pres­ence of the Shi­mar­ren, Faris al Sul­tan – Iron­man leg­end and win­ner Hawaii 2005. At the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny, the TopTen ath­letes of the XTERRA Euro­pean Tour will be pre­sent­ed, who will com­pete at the XTERRA EM. The Rook­ies 2018 will also be pre­sent­ed, framed by show and live music.