Record – 100 reg­is­tra­tions on the first day
4. March 2021
4. April 2021
Record – 100 reg­is­tra­tions on the first day
4. March 2021
4. April 2021

Cur­rent sched­ule of the XTERRA Euro­pean Tour

After the world­wide XTERRA race series was com­plete­ly can­celled last year due to the pan­dem­ic, except for XTERRA Czech, the orga­niz­ers and tour man­agers were still opti­mistic for 2021 at the begin­ning of the year. How­ev­er, the real­i­ty of deal­ing with the pan­dem­ic shows that we are still far from nor­mal. The Euro­pean sea­son-open­ing races in Mal­ta, Greece and Por­tu­gal have already had to be post­poned again and are now join­ing the race cal­en­dar in August and Octo­ber. This means that XTERRA Italy Lake Gar­da on May 22/23 could play the role of the start of the XTERRA Europe Tour. Let’s keep our fin­gers crossed for the orga­niz­ers and ath­letes that this will actu­al­ly hap­pen. There are not many pos­si­bil­i­ties for fur­ther date shifts in the sched­ule. From June 12 on, the tour will go on in a week­ly cycle – one event lit­er­al­ly chas­es the oth­er. High­lights are the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships on August 21/22 at the XTERRA Ger­many, the ETU Euro­pean Cham­pi­onships in Paganel­la and the XTERRA World Cham­pi­onships at the end of Octo­ber in Hawaii.

A cur­rent overview of all dates can be found here